Saturday, July 01, 2006

aS ThE TeaR fLoWs

a crushed soul i was wen i was seven yrs of pure innocence ...nothing to do ....jus njoy ur chilhood....many say childhood lasts till bout like 12 ...but nope ...not for me at least

i was shook back into reality when a loved one left me forever ...a person who i used to at ...and in the end hug ....things changed i was thrust into a new school ...a very strict school compared to mah lovely lill old one ...yeah i have found GREAT friends ...via telephone ...via partnering via internet ...via writing ....n i dont even wanna count em when im on the brink of fourteen years gonna b fifteen faced wid challenges ....

pressure to study ...pressure to outshine...pressure to excel in everything except what im good at ....n oh yeah DEAl with the partiality mah school is known for im not trying to put mah school down or nething ..its been a great number of years here ...won medals won friends a hundred ..dealt with the 99s im sighing ...a back ache ..a head ache ...filled with regret cuz im not able to concentrate on what am good at ...yet to make a decision on life ...journalist or designer ...commerce or science ...shld i show off mah dancing n writing skills even wen im put down by so called seniors ???

yeah i know ull be facing much more pressures than me ...pressures uncalled for ..

but first i hafta deal with myself n then get to know the tuffs faced by ya

im still grouching around ..wishing i cld die ....but staying alive for what i have acheived ...for people who have made me come so far ...for the things i might get to do later on in life ...


Sushruthi said...

I loved it... thts all i cn say plain and simple... agree wid ya ttly on the pressures... and dont let being put down get you down. u know wat ur good at n thts tht


Ms. Lane said...

pink nice... :) u go girl pressures and obstacles make u who u are..shine on..don bother bout THEM. don try fittin in coz ur MEANT to stand out..cheers..take care.ALL THE BEST.

Da Rodent said...

seniors?? give them your finger.

pressure from parents?? Well., that happens. However., no matter what you are put in., dont lose your talents. As in., make sure you give enough importance to what you _love_ to do.

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

awww thnx guys

Da Rodent said...

lady., updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. :P