Monday, July 17, 2006

when i was

when i was 5 years ...i wanted to be like my father ..a brave advocate ...won every he dealt with ...
when i was 6 years ...i wanted to be like my teacher ...english teahcer ...raji mam ..she was chooooooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee n still my fav teacher evahhhhhhhhhhhhh

when i was 7 years...i wanted to be like my then friend nivedha ..she was so perfect in everything ...i wanted to be a replica of her

when i was 8years ...i wanted to be like anya old friend again ...confident the world belonged to her
when i was 9 years ...i joined my nu school aka dav ..i wanted to be like rashmi ..still a good friend of mine ...sincere innocent ...loving

when i was 10 yrs ...i wanted to be like this senior of mine called anjanakshi ...she was like ultra uber cool ...n was in her twelfth ..she was like god to me

when i was 11 ...major takeover for me ...into the sixth my school was all girls school after sixth i was all for all girls stuff n stupid things ...n used to love my then social teacher girija mam .... i was an admirer..
when i was twelve ..i was a very very weird girl ...did weird into weird moods ...but well basically remained sane ...i had a crush on this HUGELY STUPID GUY ...n am still wonderin how i clda fallen for him !..but still i used to admire him tht time ..cant take it away !sigh

when i was thirteen ...i was like so excited fr everything ...leaving me tired and angry ...mad i was ..i used to admire my sc teacher ronita mam ...mannn EVERY SINGLE DRESS OF HERS ..SHE HAD A MATChN PAIR OF ACCESSORIES we made her sing kabhi alvide na kehna (old song) tht time ..mannnn it was awesummmmmmmmmmmm thts why im like so crazy behind this nu srk movie

when i was fourteen stresseddddddddddddd days ...ninth std ...record submissions ..bla bla...showin off wid mah lab coats nu friends ...admired them then ...same level now too ....

when im gonna be fifteen ...i wanna be me ...i wanna prove myself me ....wanna show off my talents ...get into WEIRD moods everr so often ...feel like killin myself at times ....get all tired out for sports practise sessions ..
now i admire me i admire my emotional health ..i admire my depressions ...i admire 'things' n not people whoo go thru them ...cuz im goin thru much more than all ppl i wlda mentioned above ...maybe not as much as they r goin thru ...but atleast i have never gone thru so much way back from wen i was born until now ...staring into space drin the free times tht i get ...writin out crappy stuff like this whenver my math load is lesser compared to the day bfore...
i can go onnnn
but well dont watcha to fall on knees n beg me to stop ...hehe have tht much respect for ya ..


Da Rodent said...

lol.. when i was 10 i thought the school watchman had the coolest job on earth :-S

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

lol tank roddy ...
what wld i do without seeing my blog everyday !!!!!!!!!!

hheeehawww ..hey thinkin bout t ..the watchman;'s job is actually cool :P

Da Rodent said...

heh.. I was impressed by the way the guy gets to decide whether one gets inside school or not.. :P

Ms. Lane said...

pottttttteerrrrrrrrrr nice..sure i like the template and as for the writeup whoaaaaaaaaaaa girl interesting life u've been leading loved it so watever happened to the hugely stupid guy??..lolzz

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

haha dont ask ...i was FORCED t talk to him n realized he was nuetral ...kinda not so bad ...but still this part of me HATES him

Da Rodent said...

@manasa: 'forced'?? haha.. yeah right.. dont lie lady.. :P The truth would have been that your feet would have walked straight at him due to the excessive levels of attraction., and you'd have been face to face in an embarassing 'dont know what to say' situation., and you stuttered/blabbered/talked :P Why hate?? because he is not returning the affections?? :P :P

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

lol for a man of 24 ur powers of imagination r sure rocket high dude!

keep it low on the romantic novels
dble hehe

Da Rodent said...

> lol for a man of 24 ur powers of
> imagination r sure rocket high dude!

Oh shit! my cover has been blown.. what? how? waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh :P

Well young lady., *imaginations* dont die by age. And., BTW., we were there at that same place you are., and we were through it :P. I remember how I had butterflies for this girl when i was 9th/10th., and I ended up right in front of her every time., but never had the nerve to say anything. Got noticed in an embarassing 'dont know what to say' situation a dozen times.. :P So., I know.

And., I dont read fiction BTW :)

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

sigh no one beleives im innocent n dont go behind boys all da time sigh again

Anki said...

loved the template .. and loved the post!!..


Da Rodent said...

awright.. awright.. I'll believe you.. :P :P

Da Rodent said...

Have you heard of this tamil proverb., "yaeli pidikira naaye moonja paartha therium"??? :P :P :P :P :P

Manasa. K .Kumar said...
