Thursday, May 11, 2006

talking political terms,blabbing otherwise

sigh ..the old baldy is back wid a snoring bang ...the same scenario ..every state election ..well this was the first time i was really really interested rest assured i wlda BEen snoring ..but this time ..this elections we almost saw a silent revolution ...captain vijaykanth won in the place wer he stood (vridhachalam) ...n the lok paritran got at least 10 votes of wat i have counted n bet every iitian wlda voted for them if he/she had some sense in da head ..

sonia gandhi won by over 4 81 000 VOTES!!!..this shows how faithful ppl of india can get when they ever want to be! ..

well i will shut wid my braggin now ! ...lemme update u wid what i am doin in these hols

well me finished like 34 questions (hey answers too !) in social science mannnnnnn history is so damn demanding poor lill fingers say it all !urrm n math i dint start yet (hey dont stare wil start tomm :)) ...n sc i toldya have finished ...eng not even a head start! ill do it like in the lunch break bfore eng class hehehe

well well well i think id better go ..n leave ya to peace!!!

tata n peeseee to da world

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