Saturday, August 26, 2006


sometimes u have to push urself to do some stuff ..immaterial of whether u wanna do it or not ....i did experiance this a while back ...i guess wayyyyyyyy while back ...i was forced to join basketball ..a cool game in its own way ...i joined bb coaching in 5th standard word of objection n one whole controversy better silence than severe words ....i shut... i played ....i played well ..
then mah team mates got jealous ..the usual cat comments cat fights wtv happened ...i din give one shit ...i was innocent
....i was one of the few hoo got recognition from mah bloody coach ....i din no he was so #$#@$%$&^&*@#!@ at tht time usual ...favourites r not meant to stay ..i moved on ....or rather down according to him ....n pari replaced me ...i stood by the side ...silent ...inconspicuous ...vertically inclined ....silent again
i played along ...helped ....she converted ....i passed she converted ....i praised got into her head......n all coach has got to say is ...DONT ATTEMPT ..PASS IT TO 'HER'....N YEAH RUN ...
we won the match today .. wid me chucked out in the first quarter ...praying wid all my fingernails bit to the very end ...praying wid my full heart ...mah coach jus sat down after two quaarters saying HE LOST HIS HOPE ...damniiit all of us got up n cheered on wid the score cards readin 0-9 ....fervent prayers screamin out of mah lungs...without mah own conciousness ....a hundred mispasses ...a 1000 erratic attempts n yeah we won ...
i dont want one heck of the damn glory shared by pari n s.u(another team mate) or poornima or shwetha ...i jus want ppl to realize
i want ppl to realize ...its not abt throwing out a team mate jus cuz she made two erratic attempts ,....n keeping in a #$#%#$^% player even if she takes 48727349834938 attempts not reachin the basket ...its not abt passin mean comments .. its not abt playing ur best ..

its all bout trusting a person ...trusting to the extent tht u know she'll never letcha down ...keeping her weakness a shadow n not aa a sunshade ...its bout beleiving in ur team mates ...till the nth second ....its bout letting ur team mate call on ur cell even tho u know its gonna cost u all the rechrge uve got ...

its all bout putting ur heart to it


Da Rodent said...

bb is fun :)

I never was in a team. Maybe because i was not good enough. But truely., I did not care. I played bb because it was fun to play for fun.

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

yeah well ..when ur in 5th std caring only bout how come i missed out on hundred by one mark ...u wldnt wanna join bb er atleast i cared only bout my social marks ...sigh ...later on i guess i started liking it on my own no use neway

Da Rodent said...

Why? you dont play anymore?

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

well kinda tried to tell dat in the post ...i do play but ...well mah coach nor the teacher support me the way they used to ...n well my coach has turned into a $%@%$%
so ...i cant play my actual game during matches

Da Rodent said...

Hmm., lady.. i never played for any matches.. I played for fun., with friends.. It was a time out.